Salt is the commonly used white granular substance, whose absence will surely make our life miserable and tasteless. But I believe, many of us don’t know the history and importance of it. We only know, its chemical name is sodium chloride, it’s very cheap and commonly found. But believe me, it’s more than that.

Salt has an awesome, amazing and splendid past. It was worth more than gold. During the time when the Phoenicians ruled the Mediterranean Sea and surrounding areas, it was regarded as one of the most precious commodities. Even its value did not decline when Romans came to power. In the earlier times, it was even used as a trading commodity due to its indispensable value. The slave traders of Greek used to barter it for the slaves.

Salt has been affecting the human life since its discovery, thousand years back. The inescapable value of salt was due to its importance in food preservation. At present, it is cheaper but its value is undoubtedly inexpressible.

There is an interesting fact, our body can’t produce salt by itself; we have to provide it from outside. In its absence, the body becomes chemically imbalanced. As a result, our muscles and nervous system cease to function and eventually we die. We will die anyway, but it’s one of such substances that keep us going a bit longer.


  • Roman Soldiers were sometimes paid in salts – which is where the word “Salary” comes from.
  • Every cell in our body contains salt. From blood, sweat, and tears to saliva, all body fluids are salty.
  • It is believed that sprinkling of salt in and around our home may prevent evil spirits or eradicate negative energies.
  • It was used to preserve Egyptian mummies.
  • During the French retreat from Moscow, thousands of Napoleon’s soldiers died due to inadequate healing and lower resistance to disease. It was because of salt deficiency.
  • After purification of aviation fuel, it is used to remove water traces from the fuel.
  • It has sodium, which is the main key in the operation of signals, within, as well as, to and from, the brain.
  • Like the humans, it is equally essential to all other animals and plants as well.
  • There is a hotel in Bolivia made entirely out of it.

Salt has so many untold salty stories to tell but for that, we have to dig into it. It’s not just a subject of history or science but it’s something with a glorified past, a wonderful present, and an everlasting future. Once The British Government imposed high taxes and prohibited Indians from collecting and selling it. And, thus the smart rulers used it as a weapon to rule. So much of power it had. So many Empires came, ruled, and disappeared, but the significance of salt remains the same. Till this date, salt is not totally tax-free, though it should be. But we are indeed fortunate that it’s not costly either.

I hope this article of mine will surely “prove its salt”!!

Rajib Das

I am a budding professional writer, who can write on any topic with clarity and versatility. Having a great experience in content writing and quite familiar with SEO and Wordpress too. But, writing is the only work on the earth, that makes me feel satisfied and contented. (You can reach me at-


  1. Juli says:

    Wonderful writing Rajip….. N thank you so much give us brilliant knowledge…..

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