Controversy mired film Padmavaat. One more film is following its footsteps. It’s none other than Manikarnika – Queen of Jhansi. Kangana Ranawat plays the lead role and considers it close to her heart. The film is loosely based on the life of Rani Laxmibai, who was martyred on the battlefield fighting against the British army. In a recent press conference in Jaipur, chief secretary of Sarv Brahmin Mahasabha, Suresh Mishra alleges that the film has distorted history. He has reportedly given three days time to Vasundhara Raje government of Rajasthan to stop the shooting of Manikarnika. Mishra has warned of dire consequences as a result of not paying heed to his request.

Manikarnika: Status of shooting

Meanwhile, shooting for part of the film is completed in Ajmer Fort in Jaipur and Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur respectively. Till the time of going to press, the film crew was shooting in Malsisar town in Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. The film’s script, Mishra alleges, contains a love affair between the Rani and a British personnel. Who, in the right frame of mind, can think of an affair of the Rani? History admires and reveres the Queen as a freedom fighter who sacrificed her life fighting against the British invasion.

How much truth in the allegation?

Suresh Mishra targets Manikarnika, saying it’s based on the controversial book ‘Rani’ by Jaishree Misra and has been banned across India. However, we have not received any clarification so far either on the scenes shot or the book. Mishra has written to the film producer Kamal Jain asking him to provide the profile of the historian and scriptwriter who researched on the subject. There is no reaction from the producer on the row that sparked up the controversy.

Fate of Padmavaat

India is a witness to the huge row shrouding the release of the film Padmavaat. Fringe group Karni Sena had stalled the shooting of the film and created a ruckus just before its scheduled release. They alleged that the movie glorified the lustful lewd Mughal invader Khilji and showcased Rajputs in a bad light, without even watching the film. They carried a month-long campaign and created roadblocks in the northern part of India. A few state governments gave in to their demand and banned the film’s release in their states. The fringe group even overpowered the censor board. The latter changed the title and edited out 21 scenes from the movie so as not to hurt religious sentiments of people. The film released across India at a later date with the intervention of the Supreme Court. It was successful in connecting with the masses and entered 100 Cr club within a short time.

Is Fringe group the new censor board?

We do not support distortion of history. At the same time, we cannot gag any creative freedom without even knowing the truth. Let censor board perform its duties. Fringe Groups in India is running amok and roadside goons are perpetrating the peaceful protests with their devious agenda.

Recent stone pelting in Gurgaon school bus was an outcome of such agenda. Some communal perpetrators entered the peaceful Karni Sena roadblock and pelted stones at children. Demons in disguise! This is precisely why putting a rein on fringe groups has become an absolute necessity.


Bipin Dimri

With 8+ years of experience as a freelancer, I hold expertise in article writing, blogging, content writing and proof reading with high level proficiency in writing technical as well as non-technical content. I understand the pulse of the matter and can make the words beat with life.

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